Judging Table which really works


By Lou Theunissen.
How can you predict which entry wins the Eurovision Song Contest? Just listen to each entry using the table below. The winning entry will "Pass" on each of the 14 criteria. Good luck!


Criterium   Pass? Explanation
1 Contemporary and melodious

  When you hear the song for the first time (so without habitation), you must feel goose bumps and the song must keep your attention until the end.



The link between the chorus and the stanzas and back must be smooth and unnoticable. No pauzes, dips or fillers with artifical dancing steps.



  The music style, speed and dynamics must be balanced. No combination of different music syles. No strong tempo changes. No combination of pianissimo and fortissimo.



  The sound rhymes must used in at least English, French and German. Sound rhymes that are unknown in these areas shohld be avoided. For example: "Blijf Bij Mij" would fail. "Tempo Dieloe" would pass.



  The sound and the melody of the chorus and the stanzas must vary to keep the attention. A repetition should be a conscious choice, not a default. Just another text on the same melody is not enough.


Appealing stanzas  

  The melody of the stanzas should be as appealing as the melody of the chorus. Usually this is not the case. In fact the entry should have two or three appealing, catching interwined melodies. In this way the disctintion between the chorus and the stanzas becomes less apparent. Combination of begin and end rhyme adds value to the entry.



  Upbeat songs should be cheerful. One way to do this is to let the sound go up instead of down at the end of a line. No combination of dramatic or romantic sounds and cheerful sounds. Adding dramatic to an upbeat song is risky. Romantic songs should be romantic only. If the romance or drama can only be understood by the songtext, then this text should be in english.


Measured howls 

  Long howls should blend into the song and make the entry stronger. Howls, to show off the abilities of the singer are risky. Long howls can be livened up by words of more syllables.



  The ending should be a clear climax, containing the nicest sounds of the song. An entry should not die out as a candle.



  The performers must have a trained voice.


Easy on the ear  

  The voices should be easy on the ear. Excellent voices, for which the audience need repetition to appreciate,are risky.


Sympathic performance

  The performers must be immaculately dressed/groomed. The style must be neutral and fit the performance. Conservative and modest hair and make-up is better. Styling to show off the label of the designer are not done.



  The entry should fulfill the applicable regulations.  



  The entry should be original in sound, text and performance.  


An entry can be compared with a house. You like a house or not. That's a matter of personal taste. But you can do a lot to improve the quality of the house: good foundation, reliable materials, practical arrangement. etc. At the same time you can decorate a house in a way that it appeals to many people, even if you don't know who is going to buy it. In this way a house that is "beautiful" for many people is a "good" house. Not too personal, not too progressive and most importantly: tasty. If the house is of good quality and neutral, more potential buyers would like to live in it if all the parts and colors form a tasty combination.



In recent years it became apparant that the best song doesn't necessarily win. In 2001 and 2002 East-European entries won. Was that for political reasons? Have these countries lobbyed within the EBU? Or were these entries really the best of the contest? I don't believe so. Juries and televoting do not necessarily lead to an objective result of te European viewers. And that is sad.



Reactions can be sent to: weesp603@xs4all.nl  

2003 © Lou Theunissen